When is it the “right time” to make a change?

Marc Camras

Marc Camras

image for change blogChange is a natural evolution, and it’s inevitable.   Most of us know this, and believe this, yet most of us still continue to resist change. Here’s what happens when we resist change:

•      We feel unmotivated and uncomfortable in our lives

•      We feel tired even after 8 hours of sleep.

•      We get headaches and body aches regularly

•      Our relationships are affected

•      We are either in a constant state of frustration or we just don’t care about anything.

Deep down we know that something has to change, and most of the time we know exactly what that is. A job? A career? A relationship? Our eating habits? Or exercising habits?

So what do we do?

First realize that no change is permanent, if we don’t like what we change, we can always go back to our old ways or try something else. Change won’t kill us! . Many of us would like to travel to a tropical island, start our own business, or try a new diet, but few take action. The problem is that we’re afraid of abandoning the old, secure lifestyle in order to jump into the unknown.

Second, make decisions fast. Don’t spend hours analyzing your different options before taking a decision. It is said that after a few seconds you’ve already made your decision, and after that it’s very rare that you’ll change your mind. So don’t lose time, do what it feels right to you.

Finally, don’t get caught up in “Its not the right time” mode of thinking. We don’t have forever. Just think how fast life goes by. And ask yourself, “If I do not make a change now, where will I be in a year from now? Same place different year?

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