Alternative Career Coach

Marc Camras

Marc Camras

Zen Rocks

What’s Unique about Working With an Alternative Career Coach?

Many people who are in career transition see the value in enlisting an outside source to help guide them and help them accomplish what they say they want, and there’s no shame in doing so. Think of it this way: Bill Gates, Phil Mickelson and Oprah Winfrey have all turned to coaches in their professional careers, so why shouldn’t you? After all, look at how far they have gone.

Coaches help their clients define Goals, Needs and Expectations and keep them on track as they work towards them. This is exactly what alternative career coaches can offer you.

Why Can’t I Do It Alone?

But why work with a coach? Why not just do it by yourself?

The short answer is: Faster results. Motivational speaker Brian Klemmer likes to say, “If how-to’s were enough, we’d all be rich, skinny and happy.” There are more than enough books, tutorials, and information out there about being your own boss, starting your own business and buying a business. So with all this information and knowledge must come power, right? Well, it’s just not that simple or easy for everyone.

All this information (and sometimes misinformation) oftentimes leads to confusion, and confusion paralyzes people.  The end result is that most people don’t know where to start. Instead, they end up doing nothing about their desire to be self-sufficient. Working with a coach can help you gain clarity about what you want more of and/or less of in your life and whether business ownership is even right for you. A coach may help you see possibilities where you could see none before, and they help hold you accountable to your goals. Alternative career coaches create a space where it is safe to explore and learn.

Believing in the Self-Sufficiency Dream

The guidance and support you receive from our alternative career coaches at MVision Consulting, LLC is truly unmatched. It’s all about believing in and working towards the dream. The coaching experience is designed to lead clients through their doubts and fears by providing structure, relationship and leadership.

Coaches often believe in their clients’ dreams more than their clients do. How is this possible? Well, most people have this desire to be self-sufficient. That is the dream. As they start gathering information about their options and start learning about their possibilities, they need to start separating the facts they gather from their emotions and assumptions. Anything new is likely to be viewed as scary or uncomfortable, even if it has huge potential.

Alternative career coaches understand the waves of emotion their clients may be going through, and hence there are days that they client will need their coaches unwavering belief in them to persevere. It is not coincidence that 95 percent of MVision Consulting’s clients who end up going into business, go into something they admittedly never would have looked at on their own or would have prematurely dismissed. Coaches aid their clients in achieving their goal of self-sufficiency by providing them with continual support and the tools they need to keep them on track.

Providing you the Necessary Tools

Alternative career coaches have an abundance of tools that their clients can take advantage of. Here’s an analogy. Think about it in terms of weight loss. Most people understand what it takes to lose any amount of weight: Eating less and exercising more. Knowing this information isn’t the hard part; putting this knowledge into practice is. What prevents more people from accomplishing a weight loss goal or milestone is that they lack the right habits and discipline to endure the commitment, especially in times of temptation or stress. They simply don’t know how to overcome the temptations that stand in their way. After all, giving up is a lot easier than developing new habits or skills.

The same goes for pursuing your dreams of attaining your Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity Goals. What many people are lacking are the tools to get them to their end goal of self-sufficiency or the initial idea of where to begin. Not knowing where to start or not knowing where to turn once you’ve hit a roadblock doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you, it just means that nobody has given you the information you need to find a new or better path.

This is exactly where a coach can help. Each alternative career coach strives to guide you into the land of Possibilities, Options and Dreams by providing leadership that can aid you in looking at opportunities and vehicles for success from a different lens. When a roadblock comes your way, they’re there to help point you in the right direction and hold you accountable for what you most want to achieve.


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