14 SIMPLE Tips for Profitability in 2013

Marc Camras

Marc Camras

Hand stacking wood blocks on a table with the symbol Action plan, Goal and target, success and business target idea, project management, and corporate strategy development

Tips to Increase Profitability in 2013

  1. The attitude for success – Know your “Why” you are in business.
  2. What is your story?
  3. Name two cool things your customers don’t know about you, and go out and tell your story.
  4. Know who your customer is.
  5. Create a company where every decision points back to the end user/customer.
  6. Know your Vision for the company and hire people who share your Vision.
  7. Have an exit strategy mindset.  Prepare for the future starting day one!
  8. Keep your eye on trends in the market place – Be the innovator not the follower.
  9. Create systems and processes that make your life easier and your customer’s life easier.
  10. Plan out your monthly marketing strategy. Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t work.
  11. Delegate – DON’T DO everything yourself.
  12. If you’re in business by yourself you are doing it wrong.  Look around and find out who are your resources that can help you (i.e. referral partners, mentors, coaches, other business owners).
  13. Take a hike (literally) get out from under the daily GRIND!  This is one way to restore creativity.
  14. Know your competition and what you do better.

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